Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Juliette Starts Maternelle in August

Well we have to say we have been really surprised and massively relieved that for us the first week of Maternelle(Preschool) has gone exceptionally well!!Juliette has only been doing the mornings (8:30-11:30 AM), so the days have been pretty short. She has been terribly excited to go to school each morning and there have been no tears as yet (actually, only the first day when Han came to collect Juliete and was the last mommy to come there and Juliete saw the other kids crying, so she cried, too). Han, however, was feeling very teary on Tuesday morning (hormones from being pregnant and not getting hugs and kisses when she goes into her classroom as she enjoys school so much) and so Ken now does the drop off and I do the collection each day. Juliette favorite statment each day as Ken drops her off from school is Juliette va a l'ecole (goes to school), Melissa goes to halte garderie, and Mommy goes shoppping!!The teacher and assistant are both really lovely and the assistant praises Juliette the first two days how she is very well behaved and never cries. (Can we say, how much we really like the French school system). Juliette loves to tell Han about her day on the walk home which is nice ... although of course Han have lots of questions for her. Juliette also speaks to Ken when she gets home and then speaks only French to him. Aah, our bilingual girl!!
We think she is lucky it is a gradual start with only half days, 4 days a week. We were really worried before she started as she is only 2 years 11 months. But seeing how well she is adapting we feel silly for stressing so much about it all. It's been really helpful to read and talk to her a lot about school so she knew what to expect - also she has been to the garderie (part time daycare) so it isn't that different a concept for her. So far, we only positive things to say!! What will we do without the halte garderie and maternelle in the States when we return? Ah, just pay lots of money!!

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