Juliette is now finding everything from under the couch to our dressers. She found one of Han's hats and enjoyed how it looks on her.
Sisters time!
Melissa wanted to hug Juliette.
Melissa loves this rocking horse.
Both girls are playing before our trip to Allos.
This is the town of Grenoble. We spent the nigh here on our way to Allos for a Wedding.
Ken is showing Juliette that we will take a ride there.
Yep, we're going up here!!
Juliette is telling Ken that she is here!!
Waiting for our turn to go up.
Riding in the ball to get up the mountain.
We're on top of one of the mountains and Juliette was a bit scared of the height.

Figuring out what to see up here.
Hmm, I know which mountain is out there.
The city of Grenoble on top of one of the mountains.
Denis and Ken are testing their knowlege of the different mountains.
We didn't make it this year to the ski slopes as we were hoping to, but maybe the following year. We can't leave here without going down the slopes, huh? Han was really wanting to test her skiing abilities during her studies at Appalachian State.
This is such a cute picture of Melissa!!
Meliss is having a good time.
Ken is showing Juliette how to use the big telescope to see all the mountains in Grenoble.
Look at the caves.
We're waiting to get down to the town again.
It's opening for us to get in.
Juliette is taking a tour of the hotel. We stayed in Grenoble for the night and drove to Allos the next day.
Melissa wanted to play on the bed in the hotel.
On our way to Allos, we went through this magnificent lake. It was absolutely beautiful, we've never seen such a place with a lake and mountains. We now know why the French people do not travel outside of France since there so many places to see here. This is a must see if anyone comes to France for a visit.
A closer view of the water.
Just look at the water.
The beautiful lake and mountains again.

Just wanted to take the last picture of the beautiful lake. It's just so breathtaking.
We stopped here for a quick bite for lunch and just enjoying the great weather and scenery.
Getting ready to leave and Melissa wanted Denis to hold her. It's very rare that she lets anyone hold her except Daddy and Mommy.
It was neat so see the snow on top of some of the mountains, as you can see.
Here is Juliette posing for the camera and she has such a great smile here. It's our favorite picture with the mountain background.
We stayed at a gite for the wedding and here is the view from our floor.
Ken is getting our luggage, a view from the gite.
Taking a walk.
The next day, Ken took Juliette to a local farm to buy some fresh milk and cheese, but it was closed.
There was a ping pong room at the gite and Juliette wanted to try it out.
Juliette has the natural talent for ping pong already. We think she will probably play very well if we end up staying in France longer.
After lunch, we took the girls to a local playground. It was very neat in scenery as you can tell that we were surrounded by the mountains. Juliette loved playing with this big spinner. She liked it so much that she didn't want to go to the slides.
With a mountain view.
Melissa liked it, too.
Han was dizzy from this and told Juliette to spin slowly but she continued to use all the force she had and it was fast!!
Juliette is pushing again!!
Having lunch at the gite with everyone before going to the wedding.
As you can see, the food was great by the dishes on the table. Well, we had to eat a lot, knowing that dinner will be served late at the reception. Eat up!!
Juliette just finished lunch and played.
Ken took Melissa to the wedding since Juliette was napping. Melissa was great during the church ceremony.
Taking more pictures before the church ceremony.
Helen is walking down the aisle with her father.
Nicola and Helen are now married!!
Juliette loves the stroller. Of course, she wanted to sit here most of the night. Again, she smiled for the camera.
Before dinner was served, the wedding couple's friends spoke about their interests and had a video, too. This is very common in all the french weddings--a speech and videos.
It was so hot at the reception that Melissa couldn't go to sleep so we left around 10:30 PM, shortly after eating our meal. Uugh, the weddings are very long.
Melissa with her pretty smile for the camera.
We sat at this table at the reception. Great people, it was an international group and everyone spoke ENGLISH!!
The land is flat here but there are still lots of mountains to see.
Here is Ken driving and he did a wonderful job of going up and through the mountains despite many, many fast motorcyclists and drivers.
This is the last view of the mountains driving home from Allos.
Driving back home from Allos, we stopped at a winery place since we needed to add more to our wine collection. Juliette is playing with Denis waiting for Ken to park the car.
Ken is figuring how many cases to buy and tasting more wine. We ended up buying a twelve bottles of red wine. It's really, really good wine--very smooth. However, this particular wine is not good after a year and if we don't drink it all, then we have to wait to open them up after five years. This wine is so good that we are sure to know that it will be gone within a year.
Juliette with her winnie the pooh and blanket after waking up from napping.
Juliette is sitting on the potty before taking a bath and wanted to smile for the camera.
Potty Training in France
Ah, this leads to a discussion of potty training in France! It is clear that most kids are potty trained at the age 2 but it's mandatory before they start the maternelle (preschool). There are different methods but cloth training pants are very known in North America. Kids wear the training pants all the time when they turned two and learned to go on the potty. You can't get them in France ( or anywhere else in continental Europe), so the French people use the bare bottom method. It's a faster method and Juliette was potty trained when she was 2 1/2 yr. old. Now, the training pants are a bit easier because it's basically a just extra thick underwear and it's washable and comfortable. Does that mean Huggies and Pampers pull-ups are just another marketing scheme for us consumers? We bought one box of them for Juliette and didn't even bother to use the rest as they were not absorbent and useful for the potty training. Just a perspective!!
Potty Training in France
Ah, this leads to a discussion of potty training in France! It is clear that most kids are potty trained at the age 2 but it's mandatory before they start the maternelle (preschool). There are different methods but cloth training pants are very known in North America. Kids wear the training pants all the time when they turned two and learned to go on the potty. You can't get them in France ( or anywhere else in continental Europe), so the French people use the bare bottom method. It's a faster method and Juliette was potty trained when she was 2 1/2 yr. old. Now, the training pants are a bit easier because it's basically a just extra thick underwear and it's washable and comfortable. Does that mean Huggies and Pampers pull-ups are just another marketing scheme for us consumers? We bought one box of them for Juliette and didn't even bother to use the rest as they were not absorbent and useful for the potty training. Just a perspective!!
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