Monday, November 12, 2007

November 2007

The girls are enjoying the fall weather. They like to play with the leaves at the park even though the weather has been so cold.

We went to Bordeaux beginning of November since Juliette was out of school for the Toussaint holiday. It was a very nice, long break.

We are leaving to go to Naples, Italy this Saturday for Ken's birthday. Why Italy again? Italy is very beautiful and has so many things to see. We're hoping to make it to the airport since there will be a strike starting this Tuesday evening and it looks like this strike will go on until the 2oth. Yes, it's annoying when there is a strike in France. No one can go anywhere since public transportation is not available and if you want to drive, people are stuck in traffic for hours. So, we're hoping that the strike will end before Saturday or we'll have to spend the night at a hotel near the airport!!

The girls love to finger paint. It's really, really messy but they need to explore.

Here is Melissa after naptime and trying to carry all the toys.

Here is one of Juliette's friend from school.

Juliette was so happy when I fetched her from school. Why? Her teacher gave her bonbons (candies). Not sure if I like that since she doesn't get candies at home (only certain occasions).

Here is Juliette getting ready for school. She always asked to wear a dress or skirt and of course, her boots. This is a typical style for a french girl.

Juliette is trying out a bike that someone gave us. I think that we will have to buy her a new one as this one is not sturdy.

Since Juliette was out of school for the Toussaint holiday, we decided to drive down to Bordeaux for a long weekend. The girls were very good during the drive.

Here are some pictures of the girls enjoying the fall weather in the countryside.

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