Can you believe it, Juliette is now 2 yr old and Melissa is 5 mos. Both girls are doing very well. Melissa laughs a lot when Juliette makes funny faces. They love playing with each other, it's so neat to see how they interact.

Melissa is 4 mos in this picture and she is already touching and putting her foot in her mouth. Wow, she is growing up.

Getting ready for bed and daddy always read her Juliette books.

Juliette wanted to open her gift from Ong & Ba Ngoai right away.

Juliette said Barney when she opened the envelope.

Juliette is celebrating her birthday with Mommy, Daddy and Melissa.

This is too funny, Melissa loves her playmat and is very active when she plays on it. Here she is, hanging on to the playmat.
The girls are posing for pictures before Juliette's birthday party.

Juliette is tasting before the guests come.

Cheese muffins, meatballs, flower sandwiches, cupcakes, etc...Yummy!

Having yummy snacks while everyone arrives.

Let's play pin the butterfly on the flower.

Alison takes a turn.

Finally, it's Ella's turn. Let's see who will win!

And, the winner is Anais!!
Thank you Alison!!

Here is a goodie bag for you, Elodie.

Happy Birthday to Juliette!!

Juiette is trying to blow out the candles and Alison helped, too.

Ella and Juliette wanted to blow out the candles again.

Presents for Juliette.

I I dont' need daddy to help me with the present.

More puzzles for Juliette, allright!!

Juliette sees another present and says OPEN!!

It's play doh!! Juliette is going to have lots of fun with this!!

Juliette said, "wow" when she saw the Juliette books.

Juliette wants to open more presents.

Anais, Chloe and Juliette

Alison and Juliette

What can I make?

Elodie is giving Juliette a bisous before she leaves.